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Childhood's End
Arthur C. Clarke
Brian Michael Bendis, Olivier Coipel
Scrivener's Moon - Audio
Philip Reeve
Deadpool - Volume 1: Secret Invasion - Daniel Way This is the second go at a solo Deadpool series. New to me is Deadpool having conversations with two voices in his head. (This may have been introduced in Cable & Deadpool, which I haven't read yet.) Deadpool's charm is that he's completely insane, in a mostly humorous way, and Way does a good job of showing it. OK, so tying the first few issues into Secret Invasion was unnecessary (but maybe smart, as far as launching a new series goes) but I enjoyed the story enough that I just didn't care. Watching Deadpool punk the Skrulls is hilarious. Issues 4 and 5 are an odd zombie/plastic surgery storyline that felt overextended (more like a one issue story, really) and pointless, but I did like how it ended. And then the collection ends with an oddly dry retelling of Deadpool's convoluted history. It's a promising relaunch, even with that crossover.