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Childhood's End
Arthur C. Clarke
Brian Michael Bendis, Olivier Coipel
Scrivener's Moon - Audio
Philip Reeve
Deadpool Classic, Vol. 2 - John Fang, Kevin Lau, Shannon Eric Denton, Ed McGuinness, Joe Kelly, Aaron Lopresti, Bernard Chang, Pete Woods Thankfully, this volume of Deadpool Classic concentrates solely on the Kelly run with the character. I'll be honest, I remember Deadpool being a lot funnier back in 1997. Then again, much of the humor is very dated, and much of it wasn't really meant to be funny in the first place. Deadpool was almost a gag book, but Kelly actually committed to fairly serious storylines and character development. Which is what makes Deadpool still a pretty interesting title to read, even ten years after most of the jokes stopped being funny. The art... Well, it's basic late 90s comic standard. It does nothing for me now, but pretty much every comic was being done in this style at the time (ok, maybe not quite as cartoony) so consider it a product of its time. The one exception is Deadpool -1. The big Marvel gimmick of 1997 was Flashback Month, when a decent number of titles would convert for one issue into backstory, with retro art. So we get a Deadpool before he was Deadpool story, minus the Deadpool since it concentrates on his hooker-with-a-heart-of-gold girlfriend. I could've done without that, to be honest.