My library didn't have [b:Teen Titans/Outsiders: The Insiders|176105|Teen Titans/Outsiders The Insiders|Geoff Johns||170140], so I thought I'd skip it until I could get my hands on it. Bad idea. It seems like a lot happened in that collection, and I wish I'd read it first. Luckily, the major plot developments seemed like they were covered enough for me to follow the storyline.
This particular volume was hampered by the ties to [b:Infinite Crisis|66483|Infinite Crisis|Geoff Johns||959045]. The Titans were pretty heavily bound to that crossover, which I'm sure was good for the book from a sales standpoint. But it means that there's a lot of repetition in scenes, and some events are pretty choppy, being half told here and half in Infinite Crisis itself. It also means that whatever Johns was trying to do on the title got pushed to the side. Connor and Cassie's relationship (which I do like, they're a cute couple and it's nice to see a teen relationship with a healthy dose of respect) got pushed to the side for Superboy's death. And Cassie's relative inactivity for much of the book seemed to be brought on less by story concerns and more because there was no place for her in the larger story.
But I don't look for much when I'm reading Teen Titans. I want likeable characters and good action. Here, I could see Johns trying, but there's only so much you can do in a crossover book. I would bet that reading this as individual issues, interspersed with individual issues of Infinite Crisis, would greatly improve the flow of the reading experience.