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Childhood's End
Arthur C. Clarke
Brian Michael Bendis, Olivier Coipel
Scrivener's Moon - Audio
Philip Reeve
Day of Vengeance - Bill Willingham, Judd Winick, Ian Churchill, Justiniano It's certainly better than the Rann-Thanagar War trade, that's for sure. Spectre, now rudderless, gets manipulated into turning his vengeance against every magic user in existence, however they use their abilities. There could potentially be drastic implications for every magic user in the DCU. It's set up to be a real game changer of a storyline. The execution is pretty good, too. Like Villains United, we're following a ragtag group of mostly forgotten misfits, and they're done well. The whole thing is actually pretty good, absorbing, with art that's quite good. The first two issues here were actually collected from one of the Superman books, included because of how they relate to Spectre's storyline. Big panels there, I have to say. And wow, Superman is having a really rough Countdown. At any rate, Day of Vengeance is certainly worth a read.